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Gross profit @l@}@b@ @ASales and marketing expenses3@@/Technology expenses3@,@`O#General and administrative expenses3@]~Y=Movements in credit losses9allowance and write-offs@(]K!Fair value movement on contingent# consideration3@Ƿ)Operating profit @@@@^@%Finance income4@l@@X@@)Finance expenses4@@z+Income before tax @Ȍ@Q@@+ Income tax charge 6@   4 <;!Net income for the periodI" attributable to the shareholders ""@"`q@"@"ٺ@K#!Other comprehensive (loss) incomeO$#Exchange differences on translating-%foreign currencies %%Ȍ% %v%@K&!Total comprehensive income (loss)M'"for the period attributable to the!( shareholders ((y@(x(@(@K)!Net income per share attributable5*to shareholders, basic*5@*RQ?*{Gz?*(\?*RQ?K+!Net income per share attributable9,to shareholders, diluted,5@,RQ?,{Gz?,RQ?, ףp= ?>@j    vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U;} } '}  } }     !"#$%&'(*+,-./012345678:CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE2%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents = GAMBLING.COM GROUP LIMITED   ?Interim Condensed Consolidated Statements of Financial Position  - (USD in thousands)    JUNE 30,! DECEMBER 31, NOTE@@   (Unaudited)ASSETS-Non-current assets5Property and equipment@\@`@/Right-of-use assets@@Ж@+Intangible assets@`AA@-Deferred tax asset1@&@޻@9Total non-current assets A>@%Current assets?Trade and other receivables @Q@l@;Cash and cash equivalents"@c@@@1Total current assets @ @! Total assets XaAA5EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity#! Share capital!$@!!'"Capital reserve"&@" @"`@'#Treasury shares#$@#:#FI$ Share-based compensation reserve$(@$b@$@Q%$Foreign exchange translation deficit %%*%o+&Retained earnings &&@&@@!' Total equity ''@'@7(Non-current liabilities'*Lease liability*@*@*@5+Deferred tax liability+1@+@@+`@, Borrowings,,@,@,C-Total non-current liabilities --@-@/.Current liabilities9/Trade and other payables/0@/.@/@'0Deferred income02@04@0>@51Deferred consideration1.@1@1^@92Contingent consideration2.@2@2G3Borrowings and accrued interest3,@3 b@3'4Other liability 444@s@'5Lease liability5@5@5@-6Income tax payable 66C@6W@;7Total current liabilities 77@7@+8Total liabilities 88@8 @A:Total equity and liabilities ::XaA:A>@b   vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U/ } } #} }  } } } !} } }                 ! "# $ % ' ) *+ ,- . CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE3%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents = GAMBLING.COM GROUP LIMITED   JInterim Condensed Consolidated Statements of Changes In Equity (Unaudited)  - (USD in thousands)        FOREIGN NOTESHARECAPITAL'TREASURY SHARES SHARE-BASEDEXCHANGERETAINED!  TOTAL EQUITY  CAPITALRESERVE 1COMPENSATION RESERVE TRANSLATIONEARNINGS      DEFICIT=Balance at January 1, 2024 `@F@o@@ @I Issue of ordinary shares, net of%issuance costs`@p{@ p{@9Treasury shares acquired$@( (?Share-based payment expense12, 13l@ l@/Exercise of options&@P@u h@1Exercise of warrants&@@U@@U 3Share options expired f@f   0@(8@ 71Comprehensive income Net income @ @7Exchange differences onEtranslating foreign currencies v v9Balance at June 30, 2024  @:b@*@ @=!Balance at January 1, 2023 !!!`@!u!;@!!@! PD@I" Issue of ordinary shares, net of%#issuance costs # ##@ # # # ## @?$Share-based payment expense$12, 13$$$$,@$$$ ,@9%Treasury shares acquired%$@%%%%%%% /'Exercise of options'&@''*@''*'''  ) )))@))@))) @1*Comprehensive income+ Net income +++++++ٺ@+ ٺ@7,Exchange differences onE-translating foreign currencies ------@-- @9.Balance at June 30, 2023 ...@.L.y@..>@. @>@b            vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+UI} } ?}  } }     !"#$&'()*,-.0124689;<=>?@ABCDFGHCCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE4%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents = GAMBLING.COM GROUP LIMITED  CInterim Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited) - (USD in thousands)   ;Six Months Ended June 30, NOTE@@O#Cash flow from operating activities+Income before tax Q@@1Finance expense, net4@ f@Pq@GAdjustments for non-cash items:CDepreciation and amortization3@@@k1Movements in credit loss allowance and write-offs@@@g/Fair value movement on contingent consideration3@@?Share-based payment expense*@@f@'Income tax paid6@K!Payment of deferred consideration@O#Payment of contingent consideration  u6Cash flows from operating activities before changes in' working capital  @ @=!Changes in working capital?"Trade and other receivables ""B@"9#Trade and other payables ##;#@g@$ Inventories $$$O@a&,Cash flows generated by operating activities &&@&@Q'$Cash flows from investing activitiesS(%Acquisition of property and equipment(@((iI) Acquisition of intangible assets)@)@)xm*2Capitalization of internally developed intangibles*@**Q,$Interest received from bank deposits,4@,Z@,K-!Payment of deferred consideration-@--O.#Payment of contingent consideration ...W0'Cash flows used in investing activities 000Q1$Cash flows from financing activities/2Exercise of options 22h@294Treasury shares acquired4$@4 496Proceeds from borrowings6,@6@6W8'Transaction costs related to borrowings8,@8x8w97Interest payment attributable to third party borrowings9,@9e9w;7Interest payment attributable to deferred consideration<settled<@<<[K=!Principal paid on lease liability=@=o=hI> Interest paid on lease liability>@>@V>Uu?6Cash flows generated by (used in) financing activities ??@? [@)Net movement in cash and cash equivalents @@@@yA8Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period AA@@A@kB1Net foreign exchange differences on cash and cashC equivalents CC{C@mD2Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the periodD"@Dc@D@3FSupplemental non-cash/GRight-of-use assetsG@G@G[H)Issue of ordinary shares for acquisitionsH$@HH\@>@b   vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } } }      CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE5%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents   As of  June 30,- As of December 31,  @ @ Ireland  @  @#  United States  @ @Other@\@ A@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } +}  } } }  }     CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE6%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents A FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSLATION OThe following exchange rates were used to translate the financial statements of  A the Group from EUR into USD:  Period End-Average for Period/Beginning of PeriodLowHigh;Six Months Ended June 30,  # (EUR per USD)@(\?(\?Q?Q?Gz?@q= ףp?q= ףp?(\??ffffff?>@R vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } ;} }    CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE7%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents   Credit Risk ECredit risk arises from cash and cash equivalents and trade and other  Breceivables. The exposure as of the reporting date was as follows:  As ofAs of June 30,! December 31, @@o3Trade and other receivables (excluding prepayments)@@;Cash and cash equivalentsc@@@ !@?@>@Z  vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } "} }      CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE8%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents   As of As of  June 30,!  December 31,  @ @= Between one and two months @ p@A Between two and three months  @ @5More than three monthsx@@ @*@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } *} !} } }      CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE9%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents  ? Three Months Ended June 30, ; Six Months Ended June 30,  @ @ @ @U &Balance at the beginning of the period L@ @ t@ h@M "Movements in credit loss allowance Є@ ]@ @ @  Write offs i  i -Translation effectL@XVUI Balance at the end of the periodP@X@P@X@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } } } } }      CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE10%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents  ) Less than 1 year3 Between 1 and 2 years+ More than 2 years TOTAL/ As of June 30, 20245 Deferred consideration @   @9 Contingent consideration L@   L@? Borrowings and interest (1) @@ @ ;@ @9Trade and other payables6@6@'Lease liability@4@>@ @Total@@@K@@7As of December 31, 20235Deferred consideration@@@@9Trade and other payablesͼ@ͼ@'Lease liability@P@Џ@2@Total@P@Џ@@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U!} } ,} }  } }  }      CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE11%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents ; 5. PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT  COMPUTER  AND  OFFICE   LEASEHOLD  EQUIPMENT ! IMPROVEMENTS TOTALS%Net book amount as of January 1, 2024 @ Z@`@ Additions؅@ j@ @/Depreciation charge ` ( a7Translation differences"@  @/As of June 30, 2024@  s@ \@Cost@ {@  @9Accumulated depreciation8 a xO#Net book amount as of June 30, 2024@  s@ \@S%Net book amount as of January 1, 2023@ ]@ P@ Additionsh@  @ i@/Depreciation charge@[ & ^7Translation differences@ ? @/As of June 30, 2023@ \@ (@Cost8@ l@ Ж@9Accumulated depreciation؀ ] xO #Net book amount as of June 30, 2023 @  \@  (@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } *} } !} }  } }     CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE12%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents   ? Three Months Ended June 30,  ; Six Months Ended June 30,  @  @  @ @Q $Depreciation expensed to general andK !administrative expenses (Note 19)  Q@  O@ a@ ^@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } &} }    CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE13%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents   6. LEASES KBelow are the carrying amounts of the Group's right-of-use assets and lease  ;liabilities and the movements during the periods presented:  /Right-of-Use Assets+Lease Liabilities3As of January 1, 2024Ж@@ Additions@@O#Amortization of right-of-use assetsq)Interest expense@V@Paymentspu7Translation differences\@[@/As of June 30, 2024@@3As of January 1, 2023h@0@O#Amortization of right-of-use assetsl)Interest expenseU@Paymentsq7Translation differences9@0@/As of June 30, 2023<@@>@Z  vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U.} } } } } } } }      "#$&'()*+,-CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE14%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents 1 7. INTANGIBLE ASSETS  DOMAIN  NAMES  MOBILE  CUSTOMER CONTENT1 INTERNALLY DEVELOPED APPSGOODWILL# CONTRACTS ANDASSETS INTANGIBLESTOTAL AND %CUSTOMER BASES RELATED WEBSITES3Net book amount as of'January 1, 2024p@@d@E@@/Additions including9adjustments arising as a3result of a change in estimates~@@o@@=@/Amortization chargeC_hl7Translation differencesC@_3Net book amount as of# June 30, 2024`@@ǿ@`@@`AACost`g@@@@@7A9Accumulated amortization\Dg3Net book amount as of#  June 30, 2024 `@ @ ǿ@ `@ @ `AA3"Net book amount as of'#January 1, 2023# @#@#@##@#@$ Additions$x@$ $$$@$(@/&Amortization charge&&&q&&x&(7'Translation differences'@''C@''3@'І@3(Net book amount as of#) June 30, 2023)=@)@)@))@@)@*Cost*@@*@*e@*@*,@*J@9+Accumulated amortization+:++++0+3,Net book amount as of#- June 30, 2023-=@-@-@--@@-@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } 9} }      CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE15%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents   As of #  June 30, 20247 As of December 31, 2023k 1Net book value of assets with finite useful lives- Customer contracts ǿ@ d@% Content assets `@ I Internally developed intangibles@E@w7Total net book value of assets with finite useful lives@@s5Net book value of assets with indefinite useful livesK!Domain names and related websites`@p@Goodwill@@[)Total net book value of intangible assets`AA@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } -} }     CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE16%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents E 8. TRADE AND OTHER RECEIVABLES  As of As of  June 30,!  December 31,  @ @Current5Trade receivables, net@@ Prepayments@(@'Accrued revenue@]@]@Depositsl@c@+Other receivables(@@ Q@l@ As ofAs of June 30,! December 31, @@9Trade receivables, gross@@H@3Credit loss allowancePt5Trade receivables, net@@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } } }     CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE17%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents A 9. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS  FCash and cash equivalents include deposits held at banks. Due to their   Kshort-term nature, cash and cash equivalents are not measured at fair value  w 7because the carrying value approximates the fair value.  k1Cash and cash equivalents comprise the following:   As ofAs of June 30,! December 31, @@! Cash at bankc@@@>@r    vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U$} } Q} }      !"#CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE18%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents + 10. SHARE CAPITAL OTotal authorized shares of the Company are unlimited and have no par value. The  Ifollowing table outlines common share activity for each period presented. SHARESUSD3As of January 1, 2024ĿAo3Issue of restricted ordinary share awards (Note 13)`@?Issue of ordinary shares in exchange of share options exercised (Note 12)8QA}:Issue of ordinary shares in exchange of warrants exercised (Note 12)~@9Treasury shares acquired1/As of June 30, 2024*PA3As of January 1, 20238_Ao3Issue of restricted ordinary share awards (Note 13)@5@?Issue of ordinary shares in exchange of share options' exercise (Note 13)N@y 8Issue of ordinary shares as payment of consideration for7!BonusFinder acquisition!Ҳ.A!9"Treasury shares acquired"0"/#As of June 30, 2023#ՁA#>@R vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } 9} }     CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE19%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents / 11. CAPITAL RESERVE ; Six Months Ended June 30,  @ @7 Opening carrying amount `@ `@m2Share options and warrants exercised (Note 12, 13)@*@O#Issue of ordinary shares ( Note 10)@Y(Issue of restricted shares (Note 11, 13)p{@O#Share options expired (Note 12, 13)f@7Closing carrying amount @@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } C} }    CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE20%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents Q $12. SHARE-BASED COMPENSATION RESERVE HAs at June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, the Company had the following  Mwarrants, share options and restricted share units ("RSUs") outstanding under Mthe Amended and Restated 2020 Stock Incentive Plan (the "2020 Stock Incentive }:Plan") and Founders Awards (as defined below) outstanding: # June 30, 2024+December 31, 2023Warrantsj@# Share optionsr5A:ARSUs"A[)Total grants outstanding under 2020 Stock%Incentive Plan>Ag;AGFounders Awards granted in 2021aNAaNAO#Total grants and awards outstanding1WASVA>@b  vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U$} } #} }      !#CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE21%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents   OPTIONS,  WARRANTS  AND   RESTRICTED USD   SHARE UNITS thousand3As of January 1, 2024SVA@3Share options expense@3Share options granted`g@,@7Share options exercised8Qu9Share warrants exercisedj@U7Share options forfeitedp3Share options expiredfERestricted Share Units grantedty"A@I Restricted Share Units forfeitedc(/As of June 30, 20241WAb@3As of January 1, 20238UA;@3Share options expense<@3Share options grantedPA_@9Share warrants exercisedĶ*7!Share options forfeited!!/#As of June 30, 2023# UA#y@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } /} }  }       CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE22%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents    WEIGHTED    AVERAGE    EXERCISE   NUMBER  PRICE PER   OF SHARE IN  AWARDSUSD Y(Awards outstanding as of January 1, 2024SVA @Granted`g@q= ף @ ForfeitedHzG*@ Exercisedk )\( @Expired ףp=,@U&Awards outstanding as of June 30, 20245TA (\u @U&Awards exercisable as of June 30, 2024.*AQ!@Y(Awards outstanding as of January 1, 20238UA(\ @GrantedPA#@ ForfeitedQ8-@ ExercisedĶ )\( @U&Awards outstanding as of June 30, 2023 UA p= # @U&Awards exercisable as of June 30, 2023*#A(\@>@z     vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } *} }    CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE23%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents U &Determination of Fair Value of Options OThe options granted during the six months ended June 30, 2024 and June 30, 2023   Iwere valued using the Black-Scholes model with the following assumptions:   ;Six Months Ended June 30, @@/Exercise price, USDq= ף @#@)Share price, USDq= ף @#@7Risk free interest rateʡE?ݓZ?1Estimated volatilityffffff???Expected option term, years@p= ף@%Dividend yield>@Z  vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } &} }  }      CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE24%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents   ) WEIGHTED AVERAGE   ' GRANT DATE FAIR  ) NUMBER OF SHARES  VALUE, USD K !Outstanding as of January 1, 2024  Grantedty"A Hz"@ Forfeitedc Q"@GOutstanding as of June 30, 2024"A Hz"@>@b   vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U! } } B} } }  } } } }         CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE25%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents ? Share-based Payment Expense  ? Three Months Ended June 30,   ; Six Months Ended June 30,  @   @  @ @3 Share options expense x@   @@  @ ,@ RSU expenseh@   0@;Restricted shares expense}@  {@ }@~@?Share-based payment expense@  @ @f@    %As of June 30,  @  @c-Unrecognized share-based payment expense, USD}:Equity classified share options (excluding Founder Awards) h@  @'Founders Awards j@  W@RSUs ^@  s5Weighted average remaining amortization period, years}:Equity classified share options (excluding Founder Awards)  333333? @'Founders Awards   @ @ RSUs   @  n/a>@R vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } )}      CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE26%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents   As At  June 30,  @' As at January 1 9 Proceeds from borrowings @Q$Issuance costs related to borrowingsx=Interest accrued (Note 20)s@EAmortization of issuance costsQ@# Interest paide5Repayment of principal7Translation differencesh# As at June 30@@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } +}  }      CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE27%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents   + Intangible assets  Increase Decrease9 Contingent consideration#  June 30, 2024M "Expected cash flows (10% movement) @ >@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } } }     CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE28%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents A 16. TRADE AND OTHER PAYABLES   As of As of  June 30,!  December 31,  @ @Current+Trade payables(i)Ћ@@# Accruals (ii)@@%Indirect taxesp@p@%Other payablesr@W@ .@@>@R vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } } }      CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE29%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents   As of As of  June 30,!  December 31,  @ @- Deferred tax asset &@ ޻@5 Deferred tax liability @ `7Deferred tax asset, net@@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } 4} } }     CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE30%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents    / As of June 30, 2024i 0Deferred tax, net at the beginning of the period   @ HCredited to the consolidated statement of comprehensive income (Note 22)    |7 Translation differences   g]*Deferred tax, net at the end of the period  @JDeferred taxes are calculated on temporary differences under the liability  Imethod using the principal tax rate within the relevant jurisdiction. The  W'balance was comprised of the following: As ofAs of June 30,! December 31, @@W'Intangible assets - deferred tax assets@@]*Intangible assets - deferred tax liabilityO#Trading losses and other allowancesx@@7Net deferred tax assets@@>@b vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } } } !} }      CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE31%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents   ? Three Months Ended June 30, ; Six Months Ended June 30,  @ @ @ @#  North America @ @ @p@ @) U.K. and Ireland [@ V@ c@ ~@!  Other Europe +@ @  @ ε@+Rest of the world@l@@@%Total revenues@@]@-@@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } )} !} } }      CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE32%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents  ? Three Months Ended June 30, ; Six Months Ended June 30,  @ @ @ @3 Performance marketing @ J@ =@  @Q $Subscription and content syndication h@ @ @ @3 Advertising and other @ 8@ !@ @%Total revenues@@]@-@@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } } } !} }      CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE33%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents   ? Three Months Ended June 30, ; Six Months Ended June 30,  @ @ @ @ Casino @@ @!@ `s@ @ Sports @ e@ @@ -@ Other r@ B@ `@ |@%Total revenues@@]@-@@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } } }      CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE34%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents   As of As of  June 30,!  December 31,  @ @' Contract assets @]@ ]@1 Contract liabilities 4 >>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } Y}     CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE35%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents  GThe contract liabilities primarily relate to the advances received from Lcustomers for subscriptions purchased on the RotoWire.com website, for which Lrevenue is recognized over time. It is expected that deferred income will be[ )recognized as revenue over the next year.HBelow is the carrying amount of the Group's contract liabilities and theq4movements during the six months ended June 30, 2024: @'As of January 1>@GAmounts included in contract liabilities that was recognized as revenue+during the period~ECash received in advance of performance and not recognized as revenue+during the period@# As of June 304@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U&} } (} !} } }     "#$%CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE36%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents 5 19. OPERATING EXPENSESA Sales and marketing expenses ? Three Months Ended June 30, ; Six Months Ended June 30, @@@@! People costs׹@@$@@CEmployees' bonuses related to acquisition\@d@?External marketing expenses@4@@ܦ@)External content@@8@|@K!Amortization of intangible assets@@Z@8@q@?Share-based payment expensen@W@@y@g@Other@p@h@@M"Total sales and marketing expenses@@@@@/Technology expenses ?Three Months Ended June 30, ;Six Months Ended June 30, @@@@! People costs@̛@t@@K !Amortization of intangible assets 0s@  h@ h@ x@="Software and subscriptions"u@"v@"@"@?#Share-based payment expense#0@# @#@P@#.@$Other$d@$``@$t@$`o@;%Total technology expenses%,@%@@%@%`@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } 1} !} } }     CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE37%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents O #General and administrative expenses ? Three Months Ended June 30, ; Six Months Ended June 30,  @ @ @ @!  People costs L@ @ Է@ δ@Y(Share-based payment and related expenses@@P@@=Legal and consultancy fees@@@@@]*Secondary offering related costs (Note 10)@@;Acquisition related costs |5@Pv@`n@ InsuranceX@d@i@ u@+Short-term leases_@\@q@ k@O#Amortization of right-of-use-assets@g@]@q@l@U&Depreciation of property and equipmentQ@O@a@^@Other@~@0@@[)Total general and administrative expenses]@@~@Y@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } :} !} } }     CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE38%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents W '20. FINANCE INCOME AND FINANCE EXPENSES ? Three Months Ended June 30, ; Six Months Ended June 30,  @ @ @ @3 Foreign exchange gain i@ @ @ @'Interest income>@N@Z@S@1Total finance incomel@@X@@GFinance expense consists of the following:3Foreign exchange loss@r@ c@І@O#Unwinding of deferred considerationz@K@8@@[@S%Interest expense on lease liabilitiesK@F@@V@U@EInterest expense on borrowings`x@`x@3Other finance results8@2@D@L@5Total finance expenses@@z@@@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U } } =} } !} }  } } } }            CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE39%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents U &21. BASIC AND DILUTED INCOME PER SHARE OBasic net income per share is calculated by dividing net income by the weighted   Oaverage number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period (amounts are in  m 2USD thousand except shares and per share amounts).  ?Three Months Ended June 30,   ;Six Months Ended June 30, @ @ @ @U&Net income for the period attributable'to shareholders@ `q@ @ ٺ@O#Weighted-average number of ordinary# shares, basicA PA 7A A  Q$Net income per share attributable to/shareholders, basicRQ?  {Gz?(\? RQ?U&Net income for the period attributable'to shareholders @ `q@ @  ٺ@O#Weighted-average number of ordinary'shares, dilutedzA 8WA A @-AQ$Net income per share attributable to3shareholders, diluted RQ? {Gz? RQ?   ףp= ?>@z           vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } -} !} } }      CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE40%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents  ? Three Months Ended June 30, ; Six Months Ended June 30,        !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~@ @ @ @O #Weighted-average number of ordinary#  shares, basic A PA 7A AQ $Effect of share options and warrants 9A EA A PyAY(Effect of contingently issuable ordinaryW'shares related to business combinationsu,Au,AO#Weighted-average number of ordinary'shares, dilutedzA8WAA@-A>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } !} !} } }     CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE41%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents 3 22. INCOME TAX CHARGE ? Three Months Ended June 30, ; Six Months Ended June 30,  @ @ @ @/ Current tax expense @ @ ,@ $@CDeferred tax charge (Note 17)g@z |@@o @@4@<@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } (} !} } }      CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE42%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents  ? Three Months Ended June 30, ; Six Months Ended June 30,  @ @ @ @+ Income before tax @ Ȍ@ Q@ @1 Expected tax expense @  @ d@ @' Tax effects of:/Disallowed expensesc@z@c@|@;Unrecognized deferred tax\@s[rQ$Change in estimates related to priorperiodsA@@P@%Tax incentivesK[Other4@@@.F@ @@4@<@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } +} !} } }      CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE43%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents  ? Three Months Ended June 30, ; Six Months Ended June 30,  @ @ @ @M "Remuneration to key management and/ executive directors @ 4@ @ @C Non-executive directors' fees `@  @ @ @ L@ğ@@@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } } } !} }      CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE44%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents   ? Three Months Ended June 30, ; Six Months Ended June 30,  @ @ @ @ Expenses1 Remuneration expense Њ@ @ @ @1 Share-based payments 0@ `@ @ L@ L@ğ@@@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } H} }      CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE45%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents   As of As of  June 30,!  December 31,  @ @ =Share options held by key management, executive directors and7 non-executive directors @RA JQAo3RSUs held by key management and executive directors Ak1Restricted shares held by non-executive directors`@@5@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+UJ} } 0} !} }  }      !"#$%&'()*/0123456789:;<=?@ABCDEFGHICCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE46%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents 3 Results of Operations IThe following discussion summarizes our results of operations for our one  Mreportable segment for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023.  PThis information should be read together with our interim condensed consolidated Kfinancial statements and related notes included elsewhere in this Form 6-K.   -Reporting Currency +Constant Currency ?Three Months Ended June 30, ChangeChange @@  -(USD in thousands)Revenue@@]@ ףp= ?RQ?# Cost of salesp333333?ףp= ?! Gross profit@l@}@{Gz?(\?ASales and marketing expensesq= ףp?Q?/Technology expenses,@p= ף?HzG?O#General and administrative expenses] ףp= Y(Movements in credit losses allowance and write-offs(]Q@RQ@K!Fair value movement on contingent# considerationǷ)Operating profit@@@p= ף$@Q$@% Finance income l@ @ ףp=  ףp= )!Finance expenses!!@z!= ףp=?!(\?+"Income before tax"@"Ȍ@"= ףp=@"p= ף@+#Income tax charge###Q?#Q?[$)Net income for the period attributable to)%the shareholders%@%`q@%Gz7@% ףp=J8@9&Other comprehensive loss_'+Exchange differences on translating foreign( currencies(Ȍ( ( ףp= ?(RQ?[))Total comprehensive income (loss) for theW*'period attributable to the shareholders*y@*x*0@*(\50@ / /-/Reporting Currency /+/Constant Currency 0;0Six Months Ended June 30, 00Change0Change 11@1@11 2 2-2(USD in thousands)3Revenue3-@3@3p= ף?3Q?#4 Cost of sales44|4Gz?4Q?!5 Gross profit5b@5 @5?5)\(?A6Sales and marketing expenses6@66?6?/7Technology expenses77`7(\?7ffffff?O8#General and administrative expenses8~8Y8{Gz?8{Gz?Y9(Movements in credit losses allowance and: write-offs::: ףp= :{GzK;!Fair value movement on contingent#< consideration<<<<)=Operating profit=@=^@== ףp=?=(\?%?Finance income?X@?@?Q??q= ףp?)@Finance expenses@@@Gz?@RQ?+AIncome before taxAQ@A@AQ?Aףp= ?+BIncome tax chargeB4B<B{Gz?B{Gz?[C)Net income for the period attributable to)Dthe shareholdersD@Dٺ@DQ?DHzG?KE!Other comprehensive (loss) income_F+Exchange differences on translating foreignG currenciesGvG@GRQGq= ףp[H)Total comprehensive income for the periodII attributable to the shareholdersI@I@IzG?IQ?>@j   vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U } } } } !}  } } } } } } }         CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE47%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents   ? Three Months Ended June 30, = As a Percentage of Revenue  ; Six Months Ended June 30, = As a Percentage of Revenue  @ @ Change @ @ @ @ Change @ @  - (USD in thousands)    - (USD in thousands)#  North America @ @ {Gz ? RQ? @p@ @ {Gz ? p= ף?) U.K. and Ireland [@ V@  ףp= ? {Gz? {Gz? c@ ~@ )\(? {Gz? {Gz?! Other Europe+@@(\?RQ?)\(? @ε@ ? {Gz? )\(?+Rest of the world@l@ffffff? ףp= ?Q?@@ RQ? Q? ?%Total revenues@@]@ ףp= ???-@@ p= ף? ? ?>@J         vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U } } } !} }  } } } } } } }         CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE48%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents  ? Three Months Ended June 30,  = As a Percentage of Revenue ; Six Months Ended June 30,  = As a Percentage of Revenue  @ @ Change @ @ @ @ Change @ @ - (USD in thousands)    - (USD in thousands)3 Performance marketing @ J@ (\? HzG? ? =@  @ Q? ? Q?) Subscription and/content syndicationh@@Q?Q?Q?@@  ףp= ? Q? Q?3Advertising and other@8@p= ף?333333?p= ף?!@@ p= ף? p= ף? Q?%Total revenues@@]@ ףp= ???-@@ p= ף? ? ?>@J         vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U } } } !} }  } } } } } } }        CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE49%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents  ? Three Months Ended June 30,  = As a Percentage of Revenue ; Six Months Ended June 30,  = As a Percentage of Revenue  @ @ Change @ @ @ @ Change @ @ - (USD in thousands)    - (USD in thousands) Casino @@ @!@ p= ף?  ףp= ? (\? `s@ @ zG? ffffff? Q? Sports @ e@ Q HzG? {Gz? @@ -@ {Gz (\? Q?Otherr@B@Q@{Gz?`@|@ ? {Gz? {Gz?%Total revenues@@]@ ףp= ???-@@ p= ף? ? ?>@J         vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U } } #} !} }  } } } } } } }            CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE50%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents A Sales and Marketing Expenses ? Three Months Ended June 30,  = As a Percentage of Revenue ; Six Months Ended June 30,  = As a Percentage of Revenue  @ @ Change @ @ @ @ Change @ @ - (USD in thousands)    - (USD in thousands)! People costs׹@@(\?)\(?)\(?$@@ zG? )\(? ?-Employees' bonuses related to acquisition\@d@   -External marketingexpenses@4@{Gz??Q?@ܦ@ Q? ? Q?)External content@@{Gz?Q?8@|@ {Gz Q? Q?'Amortization of+intangible assets@@Z@p= #"@Q?8@q@ zG @ {Gz? {Gz? Share-based'payment expensen@W@(\?{Gz?@y@g@ 333333? {Gz? Other@p@{Gz?{Gz?{Gz?h@@ {Gz? {Gz? {Gz?'Total sales and>@J         vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U } } } !} }  } } } } } } }           CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE51%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents / Technology Expenses ? Three Months Ended June 30,  = As a Percentage of Revenue ; Six Months Ended June 30,  = As a Percentage of Revenue  @ @ Change @ @ @ @ Change @ @ - (USD in thousands)    - (USD in thousands)! People costs@̛@Q?Q?Q?t@@  ףp= ? {Gz? Q?'Amortization of+intangible assets0s@ h@zG?{Gz?{Gz?h@x@ \(\? {Gz? {Gz?! Software and# subscriptionsu@v@{Gz?{Gz?@@ Q?  /Share-based paymentexpense0@ @?@P@.@ p= ף @ {Gz? {Gz?Otherd@``@HzG?{Gz?{Gz?t@`o@ HzG? {Gz? )Total technologyexpenses,@@@p= ף???@`@ (\? )\(?  ףp= ?>@J         vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U } } *} !} }  } } } } } } }                CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE52%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents O #General and Administrative Expenses ? Three Months Ended June 30,  = As a Percentage of Revenue ; Six Months Ended June 30,  = As a Percentage of Revenue  @ @ Change @ @ @ @ Change @ @ - (USD in thousands)    - (USD in thousands)! People costsL@@Q?)\(?Q?Է@δ@ 333333? ? ?=Legal and consultancy fees@@RQȿQ?{Gz?@@@ p= ףп Q? {Gz?=Secondary offering related'costs (Note 10)@Q?@   {Gz?;Acquisition related costs |5@Gzn6{GzPv@`n@ Gz? Q? {Gz?7Share-based payment and)related expenses@@HzG??{Gz?P@@ ?  {Gz?+Short-term leases_@\@)\(?q@ k@ (\? {Gz?  InsuranceX@d@zGڿ{Gz?i@ u@ (\ؿ  'Amortization of/right-of-use-assets@g@]@Q?{Gz?q@l@ ?  ADepreciation of property and equipmentQ@O@p= ף?a@^@  ףp= ?  Other@~@zG?{Gz?{Gz?0@@ {Gz? {Gz? {Gz?+Total general and7administrative expenses]@@zG?p= ף?~@Y@ {Gz? RQ? )\(?>@J         vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } +} !} } }     CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE53%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents M "Finance Income and Finance Expense ? Three Months Ended June 30, ; Six Months Ended June 30,  @ @ @ @ - (USD in thousands) - (USD in thousands)3Foreign exchange gaini@@@@'Interest income>@N@Z@S@1Total finance incomel@@X@@GFinance expense consists of the following:3Foreign exchange loss@r@ c@І@O#Unwinding of deferred considerationz@K@8@@[@S%Interest expense on lease liabilitiesK@F@@V@U@EInterest expense on borrowings`x@`x@3Other finance results8@2@D@L@3Total finance expense@@z@@@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U+ } } %} } } } }  } } } }            ! "#$ % & () * CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE54%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents ? Non-IFRS Financial Measures LManagement uses several financial measures, both IFRS and non-IFRS financial    Omeasures in analyzing and assessing the overall performance of the business and   K !for making operational decisions.IThe table below summarizes the IFRS and non-IFRS measures utilized by the   ECompany as stated in its reporting currency and constant currency, as   Papplicable, for the periods presented. See the following sections for a complete   Breconciliation of the IFRS to non-IFRS measures for each category.     -Reporting Currency +Constant Currency -Reporting Currency + Constant Currency ?Three Months Ended June 30,  ChangeChange;Six Months Ended June 30,  Change Change @ @@@  ;Net income for the period/attributable to the! shareholders @`q@Gz7@ ףp=J8@@ٺ@ Q? HzG?+Net Income Margin q= ףp?{Gz?  Q?p= ף?1Net income per share'attributable to3shareholders, diluted RQ?{Gz?2@2@RQ? ףp= ? (\? (\?7Adjusted net income for7 the period attributable'!to shareholders !!@!@!p= ף?!Q?!@!@! Q?! Q?7"Adjusted net income per3#share attributable to3$shareholders, diluted $$?$(\?$ ףp= ?$ ףp= ?$?$Gz?$ {Gz?$ {Gz?'%Adjusted EBITDA %%@%h@%RQ?%?%@%@@% Q?% Q?5&Adjusted EBITDA Margin &&Gz?& ףp= ? & && ףp= ?&RQ?7(Cash flows generated by1)operating activities )) h@)@)Q ))@)@) q= ףpͿ%*Free Cash Flow * * * * **@*@* Q>@           vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U7 } } } !} } }  } } } }           !"# $%&' ()* +,- ./0 123 456 CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE55%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents  - Reporting Currency + Constant Currency - Reporting Currency + Constant Currency ? Three months ended June 30,  ChangeS %Change Six Months Ended June 30,   Change Change  @ @   @ @   Revenue @@ ]@  ףp= ? RQ? -@ @ p= ף? Q?;Net income for the period'attributable to! shareholders@`q@Gz7@ ףp=J8@@ٺ@Q? HzG?+Net income marginq= ףp?{Gz?  Q?p= ף?;Net income for the period'attributable to! shareholders@`q@Gz7@ ףp=J8@@ٺ@Q? HzG?5Fair value movement on9contingent consideration(1)Ƿ@@ 3Unwinding of deferred+consideration (1)z@K@@(\@8@@[@Q@ )\(@=Employees' bonuses related+to acquisition(1)\@d@ ?Adjusted net income for the5period attributable to! shareholders@@p= ף?Q?@@Q? Q?1!Net income per share'"attributable to/#shareholders, basic#RQ?#{Gz?#2@#2@#(\?#RQ?#?# ?;$Effect of adjustments for7%fair value movements on;&contingent consideration,'basic''{Gz?''''RQ?'' ;(Effect of adjustments for3)unwinding on deferred1*consideration, basic*{Gz?**?*?*{Gz?**?* ?;+Effect of adjustments for-,bonuses related to--acquisition, basic-------- 7.Adjusted net income per3/share attributable to/0shareholders, basic0?0(\?0 ףp= ?0)\(?0= ףp=?0RQ?0{Gz?0 {Gz?11Net income per share92attributable to ordinary33shareholders, diluted3RQ?3{Gz?32@32@3RQ?3 ףp= ?3(\?3 (\?74Adjusted net income per35share attributable to36shareholders, diluted6?6(\?6 ףp= ?6 ףp= ?6?6Gz?6{Gz?6 {Gz?>@R          vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } 2} !} } }     CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE56%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents  ? Three Months Ended June 30, ; Six Months Ended June 30,  @ @ @ @_ +Weighted-average number of ordinary shares, basic A PA 7A A_+Weighted-average number of ordinary shares,dilutedzA8WAA@-A>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U+ } } "} !} }  } }  } } } }                 ! "# %& () * CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE57%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents   - Reporting Currency + Constant Currency - Reporting Currency + Constant Currency ? Three Months Ended June 30,   Change Change; Six Months Ended June 30,  Change Change  @ @    @ @    - (USD in thousands)   - (USD in thousands); Net income for the periodAattributable to shareholders@ `q@Gz7@ ףp=J8@@ٺ@ Q? HzG?-Add back (deduct):1Interest expenses on1borrowings and lease liability{@F@ Q8"@Q8"@}@U@  ףp= @ HzG@+Income tax charge@@ Q?Q?4@<@ {Gz? {Gz?1Depreciation expenseQ@O@ p= ף?333333?a@^@  ףp= ?  ףp= ?1Amortization expense8@z@ (\@@p@H@ Q? q= ףp?EBITDA@@ Q@333333@Q@@ (\? Gz?7Share-based payment and'related expense@@ Gz?(\?@f@ )\(? q= ףp?5Fair value movement on9contingent considerationǷ@ @  3Unwinding of deferred# considerationz@K@ @(\@8@@[@ Q@ )\(@AForeign currency translation/(gains) losses, neth`n RQȿ ףp= ǿY@ # {G#'Interest income>N \(\߿ZS {Gz? Q?3!Other finance results!8@!2@ !!Q?!Q?!D@!L@! 333333ӿ! 333333ӿ="Secondary offering related#costs##@ #####@# # ;%Acquisition related costs&(1), (2)& |&5@ &&Gzn6&Gzn6&Pv@&`n@& Gz?& Q?C(Employees' bonuses related to) acquisition))\@ )))))d@) ) '*Adjusted EBITDA*@*h@ **RQ?*?*@*@@* Q?* Q?>@J         vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } } } } }  } }  }  } } } } } }        CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE58%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents            Constant  - Reporting Currency  + Constant Currency - Reporting Currency   Currency ? Three Months Ended June 30,   Change  Change ; Six Months Ended June 30,  Change  Change  @  @     @ @    K !(USD in thousands, except margin)      K !(in thousands USD, except margin) Revenue @@]@  ףp= ? RQ? -@ @   p= ף?  Q?'Adjusted EBITDA @h@ RQ? ? @ @@   Q?  Q?5Adjusted EBITDA Margin Gz? ףp= ?      ףp= ? RQ?>@z     vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U7} } Z} ;} } }        "#$%&()*,-./0123456CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE59%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents  y 8Six Months Ended June 30, Change  @ @  $% - (USD in thousands)a ,Cash flows generated by operating activities @ @ ܤ q= ףpͿ_ +Adjustment for items presented in operating activities:O#Payment of contingent consideration @ K!Payment of deferred consideration@@?a,Adjustment for items presenting in investing activities:9Capital Expenditures (1)8hffffff%Free Cash Flow@@QG(1) Capital expenditures are defined as the acquisition of property andLequipment, and capitalized research and development costs, and excludes cashNflows related to acquisitions accounted for as business combinations and assetMacquisitions, as described above. Accordingly, capital expenditures presentedKabove for the six months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023 exclude $20.6 millionO(related to the Freebets.com Asset acquisition) and $0.4 million, respectively.HFree cash flow decreased by 6% to $14.2 million for the six months endedNJune 30, 2024 compared to the six months ended June 30, 2023, primarily drivenW 'by an increase in capital expenditures."NDue to the change in the definition of free cash flow, as discussed above, the#JCompany has recast its full year 2023, 2022 and 2021 free cash flow in the+$following tables. %45 &-(FThe table below provides free cash flow in accordance with the changed)Pdefinition of free cash flow, which excludes capital expenditures related to theK*!acquisition of intangible assets: ,7,Year Ended December 31, --@-@-@ .-.(USD in thousands)a/,Cash flows generated by operating activities/}@/P@/V@w07Adjustment for items presented in operating activities:O1#Payment of contingent consideration1 @11K2!Payment of deferred consideration2@22a3,Adjustment for items presenting in investing4 activities:15Capital Expenditures5z5&5%6Free Cash Flow6@6 @6@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } 1} } } }     CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE60%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents - Cash Flow Analysis GThe following table summarizes our cash flows for the period indicated:  ; Six Months Ended June 30,   Change @@@vs 2023 -(USD in thousands)a,Cash flows generated by operating activities@@ q= ףpͿW'Cash flows used in investing activities \(\@_+Cash flows generated by (used in) financing activities@  [)Net movement in cash and cash equivalents@ (\O2>@R vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U } } 4} }      CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE61%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents c -Increase (Decrease) in Net Income Before Tax: USD GBP % (in thousands)#  June 30, 2024 @ m@#  June 30, 2023 ؇@ h@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} } } } } }      CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE62%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents  ) Less Than 1 Year3 Between 1 and 2 Years+ More Than 2 Years Total5 Deferred consideration @   @9 Contingent consideration L@   L@? Borrowings and interest (1) @@ @ ;@ @' Lease liability @ 4@ >@  @9Trade and other payables6@6@ @@@K@@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1   dMbP?_*+U} }  } } } }      CCreated by EDGAR Online, Inc. 5GAMBLING.COM GROUP LTDTABLE63%Form Type: 6-K9Period End: Jun 30, 20249Date Filed: Aug 15, 2024+Table Of Contents     % Maximum Amount      That May Be   ' Number of Share' Purchased Under   + Purchases Under a#  the Announced  ) Average Purchase- Publicly Announced' Plan or ProgramPeriod)Number of Shares Price Paid'Plan or Program%(in thousands) April 2024;@ Q!@&J'A!@May 2024A ffffff @0A!@ June 2024 )A (\@B6A!@>@J vyK Table Of ContentsTable_Of_Contents!A1